Monday, February 25, 2008



Harriet : the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone.

The words in this case were replaced by the voices and talent deeds of the the musicians who sang their hearts out during a weekend concert at the strathmore Auditorium.Any doubt as to whether the youth had matured enough the was a world bigger than them was quickly dispelled for they had realized the creation of a better society in future started with thier initiatives and they took up the challenge.
Music was thier weapon of choice( a good choice as music transcends generations) to provide surport to the country and its citizenry at this particular crucial time.Whether the leaders realize this;is highly questionable.

The auditorium was packed with an audience representing the various generations,ethnic backgrounds and races coming together for one purpose to create a better society and in doing this they showed how important it was to celebrate life.Something that some of our fellow kenyans have been denied for bieng of a different opinion or ethnic background.The audience reflected the Kenya we all wanted where humanity transcend all phyisical and cultural differences.Music had managed to do what we could not throughout our history as a country!Should we take a cue from it?

when we look at the fusion of the various genres of music that we performed and appreciated by the audience despite the different musical tastes the synergy the various music genres exposed us to the we have to aknoledge what a great starting point we have to a brighter future.A change in perspective reflects what a wonderful piece of art and culture that would emerge if we were able to fuse our different cultures to that of kenya then we would be truly on our way to prosperous society.What starts as a whisper,develops into a song so loud that it can no longer be ignored,on saturday was the future we whispered to the rest of Kenya.

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